The Typical characteristics of a transistor are low input impedance and high output impedance and hence the use of Z and Y parameters becomes difficult especially at high frequencies. Therefore the hybrid or ‘h’ parameters are found to be most useful for transistor circuit analysis, because the hybrid parameters form a combination of impedance and admittance parameters and are selected to ideally suit the low input and high output impedance of the transistor. Another advantage is that the parameters h21, h21 and h22 almost correspond to the actual operating conditions.
The following studies can be carried out with this Hybrid Parameters Study set-up
Study of h21 parameter (input impedance)
· Study of h22 parameter (output admittance)
· Study of h21 parameter (forward current transfer ratio)
· Study of h22 parameter (reverse voltage feedback ratio)
The Hybrid Parameters Study experimental set-up is provided with a built-in power supplies and is complete.
Measuring instrument required
· True R.M.S A.C. Millivoltmeter, Model ACM-103 or
· True R.M.S A.C. Millivoltmeter, Model ACM-102 & Oscillator
The Hybrid Parameters Study experiment has been put up on a printed bakelite board with an aim of providing an easy understanding to the students of schools and colleges. At Acumen Labware we make customized scientific kits/instruments for schools and colleges in which components are well spread out for clarity and easy maintenance. The Hybrid Parameters Study set-up is provided with a user manual, which contains its detailed theory of operation, specifications and description of the various experiments that can be performed using it.