Optical Bench

Optical Bench

Product Code:In stock

Basic Optics Training System is easy to use, affordable, and ruggedly designed for both geometric bench optics and table ray optics investigations. Large 50 mm diameter optics components are mounted in protective holders that snap directly onto the aluminum track, and they are easy to slide and reposition. Built-in metric tape makes measurements of image and object distances quick and accurate for both lenses and mirrors. The versatile Light Source doubles as a table-top ray box, for studies in reflection, refraction, color addition, and Snell's Law. All the components (except the track) fit in the included custom protective foam storage box.

Experiments which can be performed are:
- Color Addition
- Prism
- Reflection
- Snell's Law
- Total Internal Reflection
- Convex and Concave Lenses
- Hollow Lens
- Lensmaker's Equation
- Apparent Depth
- Reversibility
- Dispersion
- Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens
- Focal Length and Magnification of a Concave Mirror
- Virtual Images
- Telescope
- Microscope
- Shadows