Cam Analysis

Cam Analysis Machine

Product Code:TOM-102

*An ENGLISH instruction manual with elaborate experimental procedures and block diagram etc. shall be provided with the training system set-up.


This lab experimentation setup by lab cart is a motorized unit comprising of a camshaft driven by a variable speed motor. Cam can be easily mounted on the free end of the camshaft.

Follower in the cam analysis machine is properly guided in gunmetal bushes and the type of follower can be easily replaced in accordance to the cam under experiment. Follower displacement for the angle of cam rotation is measured using dial gauge fitted on the follower shaft and graduated circular protractor is fitted co-axial with the shaft. A spring arrangement is also used to manage the controlling force to the follower system. Weights on the follower shaft can be adjusted as per the requirement of experiment. A control unit is provided to regulate the speed. The apparatus has been successfully tested for verifying the cam performance for jump phenomenon during operation and also observing the effect of change in inertia forces on jump action of cam-follower during operation. Three sets of cams and followers are supplied with the equipment. These are made pre-hardened to reduce the wear and tear.