Free And Forced Convection
Free And Forced Convection
Price: 195 USD
*An ENGLISH instruction manual with elaborate experimental procedures and block diagram etc. shall be provided with the training system set-up.
Here we are explaining Free and Forced Convection Experiment where we explain heat transfer in which the fluid molecules move freely or by external influences changing its density and temperature. Free and Forced Convection Experiment is designed and fabricated to demonstrate each and every aspect of the theorem being taught in theory classes. Test section in the Free and Forced Convection Experiment is made of acrylic plate and also accommodates convergent and divergent sections. Pressure tapings are provided at different locations in convergent and divergent section.
Our Free and Forced Convection Experiment set-up is a fully capable water re-circulating unit, provided with a sump tank, centrifugal pump etc. Arrangements are provided to perform the experiment on different flow rates. Flow rate of water is measured with the help of measuring tank and stopwatch.